DAlbum PHP-Nuke module enables embedding the script
into PHP-Nuke content management
system as a module.
You can even use PHP-Nuke authentication if you like.
- Download PHP-Nuke module from here.
- Create a subdirectory "DAlbum" in PHP-Nuke "modules" directory. Extract
add-on files there. You may change the subdirectory name if you
- CHMOD modules/DAlbum/cache to 777. It will be used for
stylesheet caching.
- Extract original DAlbum installation into modules/DAlbum/script.
- Go to www.mysite.com/modules/DAlbum/script/index.php - you have
a standalone installation now. Configure stylesheets, config.php
and other settings.
- Ensure that all directories are
specified with absolute pathes (ex. /var/http/site/dalbum/.private instead of
default ./.private).
- Switch GZip compression off.
- It would also be a good idea to
reduce the number of columns in thumbnail view to eliminate
horisontal scroll bars.
- Edit modules/DAlbum/script/config/custom.php and append contents
of custom.inc to this file.
- By default original DAlbum authentication (login/logoff pages
and .htpasswd file) will be used, but you can uncomment two
functions in custom.php to use PHP-Nuke authentication instead.
In this case PHP-Nuke registered users will be treated by DAlbum
as user "user" and PHP-Nuke administrators - as user "admin". You can put more
detailed authentication there and parse PHP-Nuke cookies if you
- Append my_header.php to your html/include/my_header.php. Modify
module name there if it's not "DAlbum".
Edit your config/t_showimg.php page template and comment out call to dalbum_showimg_resize
Javascript function at the bottom of the file:
| // dalbum_showimg_resize('showimgPagetable','Image','imageRow','imageWrap',
// <?php template('ImageSizeX');?>,
// <?php template('ImageSizeY');?>,
// '<?php template("BrowserFitMethod");?>');
- That's about it. Change page templates and stylesheets to match
your site contents.