Store thumbnails separately - keep generated files (thumbnails, .albumdef.ini files)
separately from original images.
Bonus Pack 1.1 - same as before, but includes two additional
templates from above.
1 Nov 2003
1.35 released. The most important piece of news is
customization sample that demonstrates how to add support
for additional file types into DAlbum.
Bonus Pack 1 - a set of pre-patched
templates with slide show, video support and other features.
Images and albums can now have custom fields which are stored in .albumdef.ini
files. These fields can be used for image categories, video files resolutions and other settings.
New custom function - customAbsname in custom.php. There
is also interface change in CImage class - methods IsImageFilename and GetMimeType
take no parameters now.
Warning: If you have installed 1.35 build 91-92, please upgrade to build 94 as
a critical bug in reindex.php was found in build 91.
29 Oct 2003
Slideshow sample has been modified slightly and stylesheet
bug fixed. Drop down box looks much better now in Microsoft Internet Explorer.
1.34 (28 Oct 2003)
This build fixes a huge memory leak in Microsoft Internet Explorer
as described in forum.
It is now possible to specify custom graphics to draw around images and folder thumbnails. See
sample for details.
Few stylesheet bugs fixed.
Note: If you use your own stylesheet (not one of main_*.css files supplied
with DAlbum), append the following style to your custom.css:
Reindexing has been improved - thumbnails and resized images are created
not only when they do not exist, but also when the original image changes.
Reindexing can be done in shell mode by executing:
php -f reindex.php <reindexing speed 0..3>
Few additional customization functions added.
1.32 (18 Oct 2003)
New "fit to window" feature has been added -
images can be zoomed to fit into the browser window (only in Internet Explorer, Mozilla 1+ and Opera 7).
This feature is switched off by default. Set
to turn it on. See this sample for a demonstration.
Note:If you are upgrading previous DAlbum version, an extra step is required to
enable this feature. Check upgrade instructions for details.
Configuration files are now stored separately from include files in ./config folder.
Old configuration files location in ./include is still supported though.
config.php file is split in two. The first file -
config.php contains configuration variables. The second file -
custom.php - now contains customization PHP functions. Once again, old
format of config.php is still supported.
New customization options. This web-site is now powered by DAlbum too!
Default thumbnail size was set to 128x128. Previous setting 120x120 created problems
with Norton Internet Security product, which treated all 120x90 images as ads.
1.31 (01 Oct 2003)
DAlbum now includes its own EXIF parser (based on JHEAD source code).
By default this code is used only if PHP exif module is not available.
You can force DAlbum to use its own parser by setting
1.3 (29 Sep 2003)
Main DAlbum pages are now templatized. User (provided with
some minimal knowledge of PHP and HTML) can completely customize
album look whilst being able to upgrade DAlbum easily.
Page templates are stored in include/t_index.php and
include/t_showimg.php. Templates are PHP-only; there
is no new language to learn.
reindex.php was completely rewritten and fast mode is really fast now! DAlbum calculates
hash of every picture folder and reindexes only updated ones.
My 3000+ pics album reindexes within 10 seconds (used to be
about 50).
Directories in config.php have better default values (there
are surprisingly many misconfigured PHP hosts around!)
New customization function customTitle in config.php allows
to completely customize album/image title in thumbnail view. You
can even remove title at all.
Bugs fixed
Next/previous page links added to the index page - it takes too much time to many people to hit
tiny 1-2-3 links with a mouse. [next] - [previous] buttons can be hidden in CSS or by rewriting
customGetButton function.
New Update button in showimg.php (admin-only and disabled by default). When uploading and reindexing
at the same time (happens to me all the time) it may happen that image resizing starts before an
image is fully uploaded. ImageMagick does not report a problem and creates half-gray thumbnails
and resized images. This is supposed to be solved by manually finding and deleting the broken
images in _thm and _res directories using FTP and reindexing, but in practice is a pain
in the neck. New 'Update' button just recreates image thumbnail and resized image.
Additional customization function was added to config.php allowing to serve pictures from a different site.
It is now possible to insert minor CSS updates into custom.css thus simplifying upgrades.
Automatic DAlbum update utility is provided.
New main_blue.css stylesheet added
Administrator cannot block access to album to himself in editini.php.
Reindexing speed has improved slightly, but it still to be improved.
It is possible to control whether tree lines are diplayed from config.php
Button look and feel can be completely customized in config - images added,
colors changed etc.
Minor fixes to make DAlbum Microsoft IIS compatible
Customization functions were slightly improved
It is possible to switch off EXIF details and Original Image buttons
Minor bugs fixed
DAlbum automatically checks common installation bugs and reports them immediately
Several bugs were fixed
German language support added
Critical bug in base HTTP authentication fixed. Users of 1.22 using basic HTTP authentication
($g_bHTTPAuth=true) must install this update!
Chinese language support added
Additional customization function added.
Internet Exlorer 5.5+ users can now rotate album images to 0,90,180 and 270 degrees.
This functionality is initially disabled, in order to turn it on set
in config.php file.
ImageMagick convert utility is used instead of mogrify to improve performance
(why did I initially use mogrify is still unknown). If you have config.php from the previous
version, you need to update your command lines.
Minor stylesheet fix
Javascript tree control module replaced. Initially DAlbum used
CoolTree 2.01 component by Heng Yuan.
Unfortunately it has rather poor performance with big trees (100+ items) and is rather complex to customize.
In this version this control was replaced with a modified version of
dTree which is much faster and easier to
Added support for IE4 and Opera6.
Added support for multiple languages.
UI glitches in Konqueror 3 fixed.
Workaround provided for Internet Explorer bug, when not all folder images were loaded.
There is a new Fast reindexing mode, which is 2-5 times faster than the previous version.
Added support for files with special characters (leading spaces, *, & and quotes).
Added support for folder thumbnails - if a folder title image is set to empty string,
folder contains one of the following files:
and resolution of the above file does not exceed configured thumbnail resolution, the image is used
as folder thubnail.
Minor stylesheet fixes. Tree stylesheet merged with main stylesheet.
Alternative cyan stylesheet added.
It is now possible to customize how image filename is converted to image title in config.php.
Image extension is no longer displayed by default.
Minor security problem in editini.php fixed - it was possible to change image extension
to a not-graphic file extension.
Added support for PNG image format.
Image files with illegal characters (quotes,leading spaces etc.) are automatically renamed.
Please note that directory names with illegal characters are still not allowed and will not be
renamed automatically.
Minor layout and stylesheet fixes.
It is now possible to retry a failed thumbnail creation during album reindexing.
HTML output updated to keep to W3C validator happy. It is currently HTML 4,
but will probably move to XHTML at later stage.
Minor bug fixes
Several bugs in HTML output were fixed. Few more left though, but not that
critical ones.
Index page is generated faster now.
Fixed a bug with non-resizable images. Images that are smaller than than
configured "resized image size" are not resized.
structure of include/config.php has simplified dramatically -
all irrelevant settings were removed. 1.03-1.04 users need to replace include/config.php
with a new version and reindex. In almost all situations all that requires
configuring is path to ImageMagick
two directories were renamed: private => .private and Photos => pictures.
_albumDef.ini was renamed to .albumdef.ini . Existing _albumDef.ini files will
be renamed automatically during album reindex.
demo gallery was added to installation
album performance and reliability have slightly improved
GD library can be used if ImageMagick is not available. 1.03 users need to
update config.php to include new image size configuration values.
Album configuration file editor provides convenient web-interface for editing
.albumdef.ini files.