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Add video support   

The purpose of this sample is to demonstrate how to add support for non-image file types into DAlbum. In particular support for movies (AVI/MPG/Windows Media/QuickTime), audio (WAV,MP3,WMA) and PDF files is added. Support for ANY file type can be implemented by changing a few lines in ./config/customtypes.php.

Another interesting feature is custom fields (DAlbum 1.35+). Any album or image can be assigned a set of custom parameters which are stored in the .albumdef.ini file. These custom fields can be changed using web interface too.

This sample defines two custom fields: Width and Height for video files. They are mandatory for QuickTime movies and optional for AVI/MPG/Windows Media.

Please check demo site for a demonstration.


1. Download already patched set of templates from customtypes.zip.

2. Edit your t_showimg.php page template, find the place where image is displayed and wrap it with the following lines:

<?php if (!cCustom_DisplayCustomType($image)) { /*** customtypes sample ***/ ?>

... image code ...

<?php }  /*** customtypes sample ***/ ?>

The result should look like follows:

<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" >
<tr id="imageWrap">
<?php if (isset($_template['ExifDetails'])) { ?>
        <td style='vertical-align: top'>
        <div class='imgDetails'>
<?php   template('ExifDetails'); ?>
<?php } /* ExifDetails */ ?>

<td id="showimgImageCell">

<?php if (!cCustom_DisplayCustomType($image)) { /*** customtypes sample ***/ ?>

    <a href="<?php template('ImageHref');?>">
    <img id="Image"
         src="<?php template('ImageSrc');?>"
         title="<?php template('ImageAlt');?>"
         <?php template('ImageWidthHeight'); ?>

<?php }  /*** customtypes sample ***/ ?>


<!-- Row 3: copyright -->

2. Edit your custom.php and append the following code to the file:


3. [Optional] Edit your custom.css and append the following lines to the file:

/* Draws a border around media player control
   The style below is suitable for main_blue.css color scheme.
    border: 4px #336699 solid;
    background-color: black;
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropShadow(color='#222222', OffX='10', OffY='10')

You may need to adjust colors in this snippet to match your color scheme. The given example is for main_blue.css stylesheet.

4. Extract ./config/customtypes.php file from the downloaded archive into your ./config directory.

5. Extract ./pictures/_icons/*.* files from the downloaded archive into _icons subfolder of your pictures directory.

6. That's all. Modify the code above as needed. To add additional file types edit ./config/customtypes.php file.